There are two main parts to the Havens service:

  • Forensic medical examinations (FMEs) that are best carried as soon as possible after the rape or sexual assault.
  • Follow-up care, including sexual health screening, psychological therapy and support, which we provide up to 12 months after the assault.

We are appointment only. To make an appointment or to discuss a referral, call your nearest Haven. Please note, children under 13 cannot be referred directly to the Havens.

Forensic medical examinations

FMEs are carried out by a fully qualified sexual offences examiner (SOE). They are usually done within seven days, depending on the type of assault. If there are physical injuries such as bruising we may be able to obtain evidence days or weeks later.

We aim to see clients within 90 minutes of the referral call if they are likely to need an FME.

If it is unlikely that any forensic evidence remains to be collected, we would suggest the client comes to our medical clinic for aftercare.

Follow-up care

We offer a full range of follow-up care to help our clients deal with the physical and emotional effects of rape and sexual assault. This includes STI testing, contraceptive advice, counselling and a wide range of other support.

Other services

We also offer health professionals specialised and accredited education and training focusing on victim care. We have developed this with the Metropolitan Police Service.

What we don’t provide

We are not an emergency refuge or a safe haven. If your patient needs help with housing, please contact the relevant social service or housing department.

If you are worried for their safety, please contact the police or one of the external organisations that offer support.

Please note: regardless of whether or not you contact us for advice or to make a referral, you have certain safeguarding responsibilities which you must meet, particularly when dealing with under 18s.